Project Management & CRM
Lifetime Deals Lifetime Deal,

Create powerful database apps for project management and CRMs with Lifetime Deal. AI-powered platform for efficient workflows.

Visual AI Database is an innovative tool that transforms data effortlessly into AI agents, CRM, project management, and more to enhance business operations and revenue growth. Here are the major highlights of

  • Spreadsheet Databases: offers a user-friendly interface similar to an advanced Excel spreadsheet, allowing easy creation and editing of databases for efficient project management and data organization.
  • Automation and Integrations: Say goodbye to repetitive tasks with seamless integration with popular apps like Zapier, Make, and Activepieces, enabling custom automations for over 6,000 applications.
  • Chatbots and AI Agents: Enhance customer support by creating AI-powered chatbots using ChatGPT for 24/7 online support and valuable insights.
  • Customizable and Visual Dashboard: Access visual tools like kanban boards and Gantt charts on a customizable dashboard tailored to your specific needs.

Here are some use cases for

  • Project Management: Easily manage projects, track customer relationships, and organize data with comprehensive project management features.
  • Automation: Streamline workflows and increase productivity by automating repetitive tasks with custom automations.
  • Customer Support: Engage with customers through AI-powered chatbots for 24/7 online support and valuable insights.

🎁 Get the Tier 1 lifetime deal for $69 with unlimited seats, 50 file nodes, 5 AI agents, 1,000 message credits per month, and more. Use coupon code ""AIROCKS"" for an additional 10% discount.