Lifetime Deals

CX Genie Lifetime Deal 💬 Revolutionize Customer Support Effortlessly

Enhance customer support with CX Genie: AI-powered chatbot for exceptional experiences across all touchpoints. Get the Lifetime Deal now!

CX Genie is a game-changing online tool designed to revolutionize customer experiences. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, CX Genie helps businesses automate routine tasks, personalize interactions, and streamline customer service to enhance user engagement and boost sales. With GDPR compliance as a top priority, CX Genie ensures data privacy and security for all customers.

Major Highlights:

  • AI-Powered Chatbot: Automate tasks and personalize interactions with advanced AI technology.
  • Streamlined Customer Service: Effortlessly manage interactions to enhance user engagement.
  • GDPR-Compliant: Ensure data privacy and security for customers.


  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Provide seamless support with personalized recommendations.
  • Reduced Support Costs: Save on expenses by automating tasks and enabling self-service chatbots.
  • Improved Efficiency: Access real-time data for informed decision-making.
  • Increased Sales: Drive revenue through personalized recommendations and proactive engagement.

Use Cases:

  • Enhance customer support with AI-powered chatbots.
  • Streamline operations and reduce costs with automated tasks.
  • Increase sales through personalized recommendations and proactive engagement.

Offer Details:

  • Tier 1: $59 for 10,000 conversations per month, 50 document limit for AI knowledge, and more.
  • Tier 2: $149 for 25,000 conversations per month, unlimited document limit, and additional features.
  • Tier 3: $289 for 50,000 conversations per month, unlimited document limit, and unlimited chatbots and team members.